Roll up your digital presentation sleeves
My grandpa used to go out to the shed full of tools, sawdust, and the light of a single incandescent bulb.
I like that mental picture – it was the perfect place to get some work done.
Here in the digital age, we’re setting up a place where you can get some real work done on one of your core initiatives: webinars for business development.
I’ve helped start-ups to enterprise companies hone their presentations, and I’d like to help you.
There’s no cost to present or attend. Let’s have some interactive fun together.
Each presenter will get a 15 min slot to deliver part of their webinar and get feedback and recommendations.
This is a pilot since I’ve not done this in workshop format before – but what the heck – let’s get wood shavings everywhere!
You can watch a replay of our Webinars that Get Results if you want to learn more about our approach.
CEO, NetStrategies
John has brought invaluable marketing and digital strategy experience to global companies over his 25 year career. Tech companies, government contractors, and professional services firms have worked with John to differentiate themselves in crowded, fast-paced markets. His marquee engagements include messaging and a broad content marketing program for a global cloud services company, digital strategy for a 30,000 person government contractor, and over 10 years of work with one of the top remodeling franchise systems in the US.
Prior to founding NetStrategies, John was a member of the management team of web infrastructure and development company, digitalNATION, which was sold to Verio for $100M cash.
John holds an MBA in international business from UMGC and an undergraduate degree from The American University. He is a guest lecturer in digital marketing at the University of Virginia.
Outside of his work at NetStrategies, John enjoys biking, spending time with his family, and, when weather permits, bitcoin farming.